
Podcast Illustrating Life
Invited speaker to the live podcast "Il·lustrant la vida", to talk about scientific illustration.
Collaboration with La Mandarina de Newton.
You can watch it here:

IRB t-shirt design
T-shirt design for the Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute.
The gears of science, is a representation of a research center, where all the pieces are key to making science work.
You can buy it and contribute to IRB Barcelona's #reptemetastasi.

Drawings to color #jomenjopeix
Illustrations of Mediterranean Sea species to learn about and paint.
Collaboration with the #jomenjopeix project of Majorstes del Peix de Mercabarna.

Choose your scientific adventure...
Board game design for schools and institutes to learn how a biomedical research center works.
Collaboration with IRB Barcelona.
You can request it for your school or institute here:

Live drawing during scientific talks
Live drawing summarizing scientific talks during the open days of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute.

Botanical panel in the Arboretum of the UPV
Illustration of the explanatory botanical panel of the speciesPaulownia tomentosain the botanical garden of the University of the Basque Country.

Promotional video for Esteve Foundation
Stop-motion video for the promotion of the research prize organized yearly by the Dr.Esteve Foundation.
You can watch it here: